Phonebook Detail

Stefano Fabris


Q2 T39





Curriculum vitae (PDF version)

Publication list

Stefano Fabris, 12/3/1973                                                                                        

Professional experience
2018-present    Director of the “Istituto Officina dei Materiali” CNR-IOM, Trieste, Italy (
2014-2017    Director of the DEMOCRITOS Theory Unit@SISSA CNR-IOM (
2005-2013    Head of the theory group@ELETTRA synchrotron facility
2008-2017    Research staff member, CNR-IOM DEMOCRITOS Theory Unit@SISSA, Trieste, Italy
2004-2008    Tenure-track researcher, DEMOCRITOS Simulation Center, INFM and CNR. Tenured in 2008
2003-2004    Postdoctoral research fellow, INFM-CNR DEMOCRITOS, @SISSA Trieste, Italy
2000-2002    Postdoctoral research fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Germany

2000    Ph.D. degree in physics, Queen's University of Belfast, UK
1998    Degree in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Trieste, Italy. 110/100 cum laude

Scientific production and activity
* 73 scientific papers published in international journals and refereed conference proceedings
* 14000+ citations, H-index 34 (source Google Scholar, March 2018)
* 59 invited talks at international conferences
* Director/organizer of 12 scientific conferences&workshops

Awards and distinctions
2016 Honorary Hans Fischer Fellow - Institute for Advanced Studies - Technische Universität München
2015 Friedrich W. Bessel research award - Alexander von Humboldt foundation
2015 Chinese Academy of Science, President’s International Fellowship Initiative
2014    Abilitazione nazionale as associate professor in chemistry (sectors 03/B1 and 03/A2)
2014 Abilitazione nazionale as associate professor in theoretical condensed matter physics (sector 02/B2)

* 2010-2017    Professore a contratto, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
* 2015-2016    Professore a contratto, University of Padova, Italy
* 2010-2011    Professore a contratto, University of Trieste, Italy
* 2006-present    Supervisor of 6 PhD, 3 MSc students, 13 postdoctoral fellows
* 2004-present    16 invited lectures at schools&workshops in the field of computational materials science
* 2000-2002    Teaching assistant, MSc course, "Electronic structure of condensed matter", University of Stuttgart
* 1997-1999    Teaching assistant, MSc course, “Materials science” Queen's University of Belfast, UK

Scientific interests
Keywords: Computational materials science - from electronic structure to atomistic modelling; Nanostructured materials for artificial photosynthesis, water splitting, hydrogen production/purification and fuel cells; Surface chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis; Defect chemistry of materials; Surface-supported organic and metal-organic nanostructures; Multiscale computational methods; Computational spectroscopy and microscopy

Principal Investigator, scientist in charge, coordinator
* 10 M€    EU H2020-INFRAIA-2014/2015 - Nanoscience foundries and fine analysis for Europe, 2015-2019
* 3.9 M€    EU FP7-NMP-2012 - Design of thin-film nano catalysts for on-chip fuel cell technology, 2013-2016
* 100 K€    EU FP7-PEOPLE-IRG-2008 - Water splitting Catalysts for Artificial Photosynthesis, 2009-2013
* 300 K€    Convenzione quadro CNR- Sincrotrone Trieste, 2007-2013
* 40 K€    PRIN - Controlling the structure&function of metallorganic nanostructures on metal surfaces;    2010-2013
* 78 K€    FVG regional grant: Nanocatalysis on carbon-based materials. 2008-2010

* FP7-PEOPLE-COST-2011 - CM1104 Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions    2013-2015
* PRIN: GRAF Frontiere della ricerca sul grafene, 2013-2016
* FP7-INFRA-2007-2.1.1: NFFA - Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis, 2011-2013
PI and in computational grants (last 4 years only)
>55 M hours on HPC infrastructures (PRACE - Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe

Research visits
2015-2016    Technische Universität München (fellowship)
2013    National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan (Invited)
2011    CECAM, Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire, Lausanne, CH (Invited)
2010    Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., Berkeley, USA
2005    Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttugart, Germany (travel fellowship)

Other professional activities
* Member of steering panel of SISSA PhD program in Condensed Matter
* Member of PhD and Master examination committees for: Humboldt University, University of Lyon, Aarhus University; King’s College of London; SISSA, University of Ljubljiana; Charles University of Prague; Università Ca’ Foscari, Università di Trieste
* Associate Editor - Journal of Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy - Springer Ed.
* Expert reviewer for international funding agencies: European Research Council (ERC); US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR); US Department of Energy (DOE); Swiss National Science Foundation (SNFS); Austrian Science Fund (ASF); Research Grants Council of Hong Kong; National Science Centre – Poland; 
* Expert reviewer for scientific supercomputing centers: Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE), CINECA Italian SuperComputing Resource Allocation; Swiss Center for Scientific Computing of the ETH Zurich.
* Referee for international journals: Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters, Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Surface Science, Catalysis Comm, …


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